Parking Lot Expansion Project

Conduit Church Family, we are pleased to announce the commencement of our long-awaited parking lot expansion project! This initiative signifies our commitment to providing a more comfortable and accessible environment for our church family.

To effectively manage available parking spaces on our current lot, we kindly request that all members attending Sunday services RSVP their attendance in advance. This will allow us to anticipate the anticipated number of vehicles for each service and allocate parking accordingly.

Access & Overflow Parking

(9am & 11am ONLY. No 5pm Access.)

To ensure the smooth and efficient progress of construction, we will be implementing temporary modifications to our parking arrangements throughout the project duration. Details will be communicated weekly.

Once the current lot reaches capacity, additional parking will be available in the field generously offered by the Hood family. To access this overflow parking area:

  • Please proceed to the Hood family driveway located at 1620 Lewisburg Pike.

  • Turn left once entering the drive and continue along the road.

  • Designated parking spaces will be available along the fence line, facing the Conduit property.

Multiple designated entry points will be established along the fence to allow for convenient access to Conduit property and its entrances. Our dedicated Parking Team will be present each week to guide you efficiently and safely.

Other Helpful Tips:

  • Carpooling - Please help minimize the number of vehicles by carpooling with friends & neighbors

  • Drop Offs - If volunteering at the 9am (serve one, attend one) consider being dropped off first service

Appreciation & Understanding

We acknowledge that these temporary changes may cause some inconvenience. However, your cooperation is instrumental in ensuring a smooth and secure experience for everyone during this period, particularly those attending Sunday services.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and continued support as we embark on this project to enhance our facilities for the benefit of our entire church family.
Should you have any questions regarding the RSVP process, overflow parking procedures, or the construction project itself, please do not hesitate to reach out: